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The Dos and Don'ts of Storing Valuables in an Iron Guard Facility

Admin | October 12, 2023 @ 12:00 AM

When it comes to storing your valuable possessions, security and peace of mind are paramount. Iron Guard Storage, a leading provider of secure storage solutions, offers a range of units to accommodate your needs. However, there are important dos and don'ts to consider when storing valuables in their top-notch facilities. In this article, we will explore the best practices for safeguarding your cherished items and ensuring they remain in pristine condition while under the care of Iron Guard Storage.


  1. Choose the Right Size Unit: Opt for a storage unit that comfortably accommodates your valuables without excessive empty space. This will prevent unnecessary movement and potential damage during storage.
  2. Use High-Quality Packing Materials: Invest in sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and other protective materials to ensure your valuables are well-preserved and insulated against potential impacts.
  3. Label and Organize: Maintain an inventory list and label each box to easily identify the contents. Organizing your belongings helps you find what you need without having to rummage through everything.
  4. Utilize Climate-Controlled Units: For delicate items like artwork, electronics, or antiques, consider renting a climate-controlled unit. This feature helps regulate temperature and humidity levels, preventing damage caused by extreme conditions.
  5. Inform Staff About Valuable Items: When leasing your storage unit, inform the Iron Guard Storage staff about any particularly valuable items you are storing. They can provide tailored advice and possibly offer additional security measures.
  6. Lock it Up: Always secure your storage unit with a high-quality padlock or lock provided by Iron Guard Storage. This extra layer of security ensures that only you or authorized personnel have access to your valuables.


  1. Store Perishable or Hazardous Items: Avoid storing food, liquids, flammable materials, or anything that could attract pests or cause potential harm in your storage unit.
  2. Neglect Insurance: Even with the highest security measures, unexpected events can occur. Don't skip on storage insurance; it adds an extra layer of protection for your valuables.
  3. Overstuff the Unit: Avoid cramming too many items into the storage unit. Overcrowding may lead to damage during retrieval and increase the likelihood of breakage.
  4. Leave Items Unprotected: Do not leave valuable items exposed or unprotected. Dust covers, plastic wrapping, and proper padding can prevent dust and damage accumulation.
  5. Use Subpar Locks: Invest in a high-quality lock to secure your unit. Cheap or flimsy locks can be easily tampered with, jeopardizing the safety of your valuables.

Choosing Iron Guard Storage for your valuable possessions provides unmatched security and protection. By following the dos and don'ts mentioned above, you can ensure your belongings remain in pristine condition during their stay. Remember, the Iron Guard Storage team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns, making your storage experience a worry-free one.

When it comes to safeguarding what matters most, trust Iron Guard Storage to deliver exceptional care for your valuables. To explore their storage options and find the perfect solution for your needs, visit Iron Guard Storage today.

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