Safe Quarantine Sanitation Ideas for Self-Storage
Preppers and survivalists from around the world have been gathering supplies and storing them away for emergencies for centuries. These individuals often put valuable supplies into compact storage boxes known as caches that they bury underground or hide out in nature.
These storage devices work well for keeping supplies available and safe, but they're not convenient to use. That's why more and more survivalists have turned to keeping useful supplies stored in off-site self-storage facilities.
We're here to explain how you can utilize self-storage in Shreveport, LA, for your own storage cache and how you can access that storage during a viral outbreak while keeping you and your family safe from infection.
Choose the Right Equipment to Store
The first step to making the most of your self-storage supply cache is to store useful supplies that will help sustain your everyday life without making resupplying too inconvenient. This means choosing supplies you don't need frequently, but items that you really want to have available to you.
You should avoid items such as food, your main medical supplies, and your primary store of water when loading up your storage facility. Food is a poor option because it can spoil, you'll need access to it frequently and you don't want to keep something as vital as food outside of your home itself.
You should also have your primary source of water and a complete first-aid medical kit at your home for immediate use. You can keep water purification tools, water filters, and a water storage container in storage though, just in case your primary water source becomes compromised.
It's also a good idea to store extra medical supplies in your unit that you can use to re-supply your primary first-aid kit if things like bandages, medications, and other essentials begin to run low.
Also consider packing away sterilization supplies, like disinfecting wipes, isopropyl alcohol and bleach in storage to enable you to disinfect your home and your belongings regularly. Invest in masks and gloves you can keep in storage as well. It's also useful to have packs of paper towels, toilet tissue, tissues, and other paper products stocked to keep your home runnings and clean.
It's beneficial to stockpile camping supplies, gardening seeds, maintenance equipment, fire starters, simple fishing gear and other survival staples in your unit just in case you have to relocate or start procuring your own food due to supply shortages.
If you stock your unit with some of the gear and staples mentioned here you'll be able to re-supply your home and handle a variety of emergency situations with a quick trip to your storage as needed.
Limit Your Storage Trips
Along with packing in the right equipment, it's important to avoid going to your unit as much as possible to protect yourself. This means visiting your unit only when you absolutely need to for a re-supply. You should be able to visit your storage units once a month or less while keeping your essentials stocked up at your home if you grab enough items during each of your visits.
Time Your Visits with Care
You can also minimize your risk of being infected with a virus such as COVID-19 by choosing a storage facility that is open, cleaned regularly, and easily accessible at all hours of the day such as Iron Guard Storage. If you use a self-storage facility like Iron Guard, you can visit during the night, early in the morning, or during other times of the day that other people aren't likely to show up.
Get to your unit, make sure nobody else is around, and quickly grab the supplies you need to minimize your exposure risk.
Disinfect While Accessing Your Storage
Another key tip to remember is that while visiting your storage facility, you must disinfect all the shared touchpoints at the facility as well as items that you put into your storage and things you take out if you've accessed your unit within the last five days. Use disinfectant to wipe down the keypad before typing in your gate code.
Wipe down any handles that you touch to access your unit, including the lock and handle on your own unit itself. Also, wipe down items you put into the facility and take care to wear gloves or to sanitize your hands to reduce the risk of contamination before adding items into storage.
You won't have to disinfect your stored items as long as it's been five days or longer since you put them in, but you should wipe down items if you aren't sure or if you want to be extra cautious of your exposure risk.
Follow these storage supply recommendations, visit guidelines and sanitation recommendations and you can keep yourself safe, maintain your emergency supplies and protect your family all at the same time during major quarantine events and other real-life emergencies.